Hole in the Stars
The Sackler family owned Purdue Pharma, and in that capacity they engineered the deadliest drug epidemic in American history. Drug overdose is now one of the leading causes of death in America.
If you know someone struggling with addiction, help is available.
Two years back, freak accident, the nurse said you were blessed
scared of taking all them pills, you said “I guess the doctor must know best.”
But the change was instantaneous, that gnawing need for more
instead of Bible group and PTA, you kept getting dragged to court
There’s a hole in the stars
a hole the shape of you
Does it go through to Heaven?
and can I come through it too?
Out in southwest Tennessee, by the side of route two-twenty-five
in the orange glow of the dashboard light you closed your eyes one last time
at home you'd left the TV on while running out to kill the pain
but pain's a strange inheritance, and our girls will never be the same
There’s a hole in the stars
a hole the shape of you
Does it go through to Heaven?
and can I come through it too?
David Sackler golfs in Boca
knocking little balls in holes
down they go, plop, plop, plop
like half a million souls
There’s a hole in the stars
a hole the shape of you
and I only have a second, but
they gave a scholarship to Beth, and
can you believe Clara’s turning seven?
and does that hole go through to Heaven?
does it go through to Heaven?
does it go through to Heaven?
and can I come through it too?